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Quick Start

Install Canxium Node

  1. Start the Node:
  • Run the following to start your node and begin syncing with the network:
    bash <(curl -fsSL
  • Syncing may take some time. Confirm connection and sync status of the node:
    journalctl -f -u node
  • Confirm connection and sync status of the beacon PoS node:
    journalctl -f -u beacon

Set Up a Wallet

Cold Wallet

As part of its commitment to security, accessibility, and decentralization, Canxium has integrated support with Tangem, a next-generation cold wallet solution. Tangem is currently the only hardware wallet that natively supports Canxium ($CAU), providing users with a secure and user-friendly way to store their assets offline.

Get Tangem Wallet: To purchase a Tangem wallet, visit Tangem's official website and download the Tangem Wallet App to start securely managing your CAU tokens.

Hot Wallet

  1. Download & Setup Wallet:
  • Please install a 3rd wallet: Metamask

    a. Click Setting Icon alt textb. Click Networks alt text
    c. Click Add Network alt textd. Add Canxium alt text
    e. Click Confirm alt textf. Click Switch to network alt text
    h. Done alt text
  1. Buy Some CAU:

  2. Try the Dex:

    • Open your wallet and copy the Address.
    • Withdraw your CAU from the Cex, and try our Dex.

Deploy a Basic Smart Contract

  1. Set Up Your Development Environment:

    • Use Remix (online IDE) for a quick start or Visual Studio Code with Solidity plugins if you prefer local development.
  2. Write and Compile Contract:

    • Start with a simple Solidity contract, like an ERC-20 token, and compile it in your IDE.
  3. Get Testnet CAU:

    • Get 1000 Testnet CAU from Faucet
  4. Deploy to Testnet:

    • Deploy the contract on Canxium’s testnet first. Use a compatible wallet or your node to deploy.
    • RPC Info:
    Chain Id: 30303
  5. Verify on Explorer:

  6. Deploy to Mainnet:

    • Make sure your wallet have at least 102 CAU.
    • RPC Info:
    Chain Id: 3003
  7. Verify on Explorer:

    • Check the transaction and contract details on the Canxium Explorer to ensure it deployed correctly.

You’re Ready!

This quick setup should help you start exploring and deploying on Canxium. For more details, dive into the official docs and community resources. Happy building!

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