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Create Validator keys

Each validator needs a private key to operate, and these private keys must be kept secure.

Using Script

To create new keys, please run this docker script:

docker run -e NUM_VALIDATORS=1 -e KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=123456789 -e WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS=0xBd65D6efb2C3e6B4dD33C664643BEB8e5E133055 -v ./keystores:/app/validator_keys canxium/staking-deposit-cli:v0.1

Please replace the KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS with your own password and address. If you lose your password or lose access to the withdrawal wallet, you will lose all the CAU you have deposited.

After the script runs successfully, you will receive two files in the ./keystores folder:

deposit_data-1712896419.json and keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1712896418.json

Using Docker Gui

If you are not familiar with running scripts, you can use Docker GUI.

Step 1: Download and install the docker app for your operating system alt text

Step 2: Pull docker image: canxium/staking-deposit-cli

alt text

Step 3: Start the docker cli, Fill in all information as below

For security, we recommend you disconnect from the internet to complete this step.

alt text

Step 4: Write down the mnemonic in a safe place, Write it down on paper and keep it carefully

alt text

Step 5: Your deposit-data*.json and keystore-*.json can be found at the host path alt text

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