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You are reading the latest version of Canxium Whitepaper

  • Updated on Jan 26, 2025.
  • Version: v2.6

Canxium Cross-Chain Retained PoW: Comprehensive Technical Documentation

This document provides an in-depth look into the Canxium Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining mechanism, including the transaction format, verification process, smart contract implementation, and consensus layer interactions.

Overview of Cross-Chain Retained PoW

Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining enables miners to contribute computational work on another blockchain (e.g., Kaspa) and submit proof-of-work (PoW) to Canxium via a specific transaction type. This mechanism rewards miners with CAU tokens based on the difficulty of the submitted PoW, ensuring compatibility with supported chains and rewarding effort proportionately.

Cross-Chain Retained PoW Mining Transaction Format

A valid Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining transaction contains the following key fields:

  • type: Type of transaction, specific to cross-chain PoW mining ("0x7e").
  • Value (value): The reward amount calculated as reward per difficulty * difficulty.
  • Input Data (data): Encoded in the format of the crossChainMining(address,uint16,uint256) method:
    • Method signature: 0x2979ee24
    • receiver padded to 32 bytes
    • chain (16-bit, padded to 32 bytes)
    • timestamp (256-bit, padded to 32 bytes)
  • auxPoW: Sidechain Block details (Depending on the parent blockchain, this is the structure for the Kaspa blockchain)
    • header: Block header
    • merkleProof: Merkle tree path to verify coinbase hash if it is included in the hashMerkleRoot
    • coinbase: Coinbase transaction

Example of a valid Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining transaction with Kaspa:

    "type": "0x7e",  // Type of transaction, specific to Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining.
    "nonce": "0x0",  // Transaction nonce for ordering.
    "gasPrice": "0x0",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x0",  // Priority fee per gas, set to zero in this case.
    "maxFeePerGas": "0x0",          // Maximum fee per gas, also zero.
    "gas": "0x186a0",               // Gas limit for transaction execution.
    "value": "0x199d52",            // Amount of CAU rewarded (if applicable).
    "input": "0x2979ee2400000000000000000000000052b2237abb643a8edacc9b66d56e92b09f22847c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001949cda37c4",
    "to": "0x5fd4e99dc1efc12ebe5c5530d6c7b3860c819f9d",          // Address to which the transaction is sent.
    "chainId": "0x765f",            // Chain ID for Canxium network.
    "from": "0x0d9947ea33c2b889e60f1a9528ba10ddfff2873f",        // Canxium address submitting the transaction.
    "algorithm": "0x4",             // Identifier for the PoW algorithm (e.g., KASPA is KHeavyHashAlgorithm).
    "v": "0x0",                     // Signature recovery parameter.
    "r": "0xd4c4a14c...",           // Signature part R.
    "s": "0x6d864e29...",           // Signature part S.
    "auxPoW": {                     // Cross-Chain Retained PoW proof data.
        "header": {                 // KASPA block header details.
            "hashMerkleRoot": "1889a71902ad5690fb50c4da57cac0903854df4529f5516834f9e76b4ca29d4a",       // Merkle root of all transaction hashes in the block.
            "acceptedIDMerkleRoot": "e9cda391a73433f1e92ad526565c02c43f618fe3ca43e94db50dbf0453712a92", // Merkle root of accepted transaction IDs.
            "utxoCommitment": "8bb48234f2069009c844e30f49b63942ecb65133eb71fd86596675beb10eda45",      // UTXO set commitment for the block.
            "timestamp": 1737798334404,           // Block timestamp (in milliseconds).
            "bits": 503480227,                    // Difficulty target in compact format.
            "nonce": 12947157943426607992,        // Nonce value used to solve PoW.
            "daaScore": 85179021,                 // Difficulty adjustment algorithm score.
            "blueScore": 84078766,                // Blue score (related to KASPA's GHOSTDAG protocol).
            "blueWork": 1066184383663824,         // Total work in the blue chain.
            "pruningPoint": "5fc745cb165c3248192c1bd0a6eba8d6e0a610fe37a1ec0baec597b61d0be059"         // Pruning point hash for the block.
        "merkleProof": [            // Proof of inclusion in the Merkle tree. To verify the coinbase transaction if it is included in the hashMerkleRoot
        "coinbase": {               // Coinbase transaction details.
            "version": 0,
            "inputs": [],
            "outputs": [
                    "value": 10000152200,         // Output value in smallest unit (e.g., satoshis).
                    "scriptPublicKey": {
                        "script": "ICIkke0D9XimemIKJLb0En4quZc7PKjZdY0qDeBHQnmwrA==", // Output script (e.g., P2PKH).
                        "version": 0
                    "value": 9799885899,
                    "scriptPublicKey": {
                        "script": "OToT08G3en7GQ73vjN2BVDIUXqpu040J1uhMyrIrA==",
                        "version": 0
            "lockTime": 0,
            "subnetworkID": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000",       // Subnetwork ID (specific to KASPA).
            "gas": 0,
            "payload": "rvACBQAAAABLZB5IAgAAAAAAIiDlJdHnIzAlzkEQ4u+UrPbxrBqmpjcFv7GGm3mCWl+6CKwwLjE2LjAvTkVPL2NhbnhpdW1pbmVyOjUyYjIyMzdhQkI2NDNhOEVkYUNjOUI2NkQ1NkU5MkIwOUYyMjg0N2M=",       // Coinbase payload (includes canxium miner address).
            "fee": 0,
            "mass": 0

Cross-Chain Retained PoW Mining Transaction Verification

The verification of a Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining transaction in the consensus layer involves:

  1. Validate Transaction Structure:
  • Ensure the AuxPoW field is a valid block.
  • Ensure the data field matches the expected structure for the crossChainMining method, including padding and encoding.
  1. Verify Proof of Work:
    • The submitted PoW must meet the minimum difficulty threshold.
    • Check that the PoW is valid and corresponds to the parent chain specified in the transaction.
  2. Verify coinbase transaction: Confirm that the coinbase is valid and it's hash is included in the hashMerkleRoot.
  3. Validate Receiver Address: Confirm that the to address matches the predefined mining smart contract address.
  4. Timestamp Validation:
    • Retrieve the last recorded timestamp from the Canxium state database for the receiver and chain.
    • Ensure the submitted timestamp is strictly greater than the stored value.
  5. Value Validation: Confirm that the reward value (msg.value) matches the calculated reward based on difficulty and the current decay factor.
  6. Smart Contract Call: The transaction calls the crossChainMining function of the mining contract, distributing rewards accordingly.

Cross-Chain Retained PoW Mining Reward Mechanism

The reward is distributed among the miner, treasury, and block proposer (coinbase) as follows:

Reward Distribution Formula

  • Miner Reward: reward = msg.value - fundReward - coinbaseReward
  • Treasury Reward: fundReward = msg.value * treasuryTax / 100
  • Coinbase Reward: coinbaseReward = msg.value * coinbaseTax / 10000

The reward values are validated within the smart contract to ensure correctness. The contract emits events for each reward distribution:

  • CrossChainMiningReward for miner rewards.
  • CrossChainMiningTaxes for treasury and coinbase rewards.

Mining Smart Contract

The crossChainMining function handles reward distribution and updates miner timestamps. Key elements include:

  1. Validation Checks:
    • Ensure msg.value > 0.
    • Verify chain > 0.
    • Confirm timestamp > crossChainMiningTimestamp[receiver][chain].
    • Validate treasury tax is set.
  2. Reward Distribution:
    • Transfer miner, treasury, and coinbase rewards.
    • Emit appropriate events for logging.
  3. Timestamp Updates:
    • Update crossChainMiningTimestamp[receiver][chain] to the new timestamp.

Smart Contract Code

* @dev crossChainMining distribute reward to foundation, coinbase and tx miner in the Cross-Chain Retained Proof of Work
* @param receiver Miner receiver address
* @param chain Source chain Id
* @param timestamp Timestamp of the block
function crossChainMining(address receiver, uint16 chain, uint256 timestamp) public payable {
    require(msg.value > 0, "invalid mining value");
    require(chain > 0, "invalid mining chain id");
    require(timestamp > crossChainMiningTimestamp[receiver][chain], "invalid mining timestamp");
    if (chain == KASPA_CHAIN) {

    crossChainMiningTimestamp[receiver][chain] = timestamp;

function kaspaMiningRewardDistribution(address receiver) public payable {
    address payable to = payable(receiver);
    address payable coinbase = payable(block.coinbase);

    uint256 crossChainMiningCoinbaseTax = coinbaseRewardPercentage(block.timestamp);

    require(crossChainMiningTreasuryTax > 0, "invalid mining treasury tax");
    require(crossChainMiningCoinbaseTax > 0 && crossChainMiningCoinbaseTax < 10000, "invalid mining coinbase tax");

    uint256 fundReward = msg.value * crossChainMiningTreasuryTax / 100;
    uint256 coinbaseReward = msg.value * crossChainMiningCoinbaseTax / 10000;
    uint256 reward = msg.value - fundReward - coinbaseReward;
    require(reward > 0, "invalid mining miner reward");


    crossChainMiningMinerReward = crossChainMiningMinerReward + reward;
    crossChainMiningTreasuryReward = crossChainMiningTreasuryReward + fundReward;
    crossChainMiningValidatorReward = crossChainMiningValidatorReward + coinbaseReward;

    // emit events
    emit CrossChainMiningReward(msg.sender, to, reward);
    emit CrossChainMiningTaxes(treasuryAddress, fundReward, coinbase, coinbaseReward);


State Database Interaction

The consensus layer validates Cross-Chain Retained PoW mining transactions by accessing state data. The process includes:

  1. Retrieve Timestamp from State:

    • Use the crossChainMiningStorageKey function to calculate the storage key based on the miner's address and chain ID.
    • Retrieve the timestamp from the state database (StateDB).
  2. Validate Transaction Timestamp:

    • Compare the submitted timestamp with the stored timestamp.
    • Reject transactions with timestamp <= stored timestamp.


func crossChainMiningStorageKey(address common.Address, chainID uint16) common.Hash {
    addressBytes := common.LeftPadBytes(address.Bytes(), 32)
    hash := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
    hash.Write(append(addressBytes, MiningContractSlotBytes...))
    outerKeyHash := hash.Sum(nil)

    chainBytes := common.LeftPadBytes(big.NewInt(int64(chainID)).Bytes(), 32)
    hash = sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
    hash.Write(append(chainBytes, outerKeyHash...))
    return common.BytesToHash(hash.Sum(nil))

func (s *StateDB) GetCrossChainMiningTimestamp(contract common.Address, address common.Address, chain types.CrossChain) uint64 {
    key := crossChainMiningStorageKey(address, uint16(chain))
    data := s.GetState(contract, key)
    return data.Big().Uint64()

Proof of Work Validation

  1. Minimum Difficulty: Ensure the PoW meets the minimum difficulty specified for the parent chain.
  2. Proof Validation: Validate the block's proof-of-work using the VerifyPoW method.
  3. Coinbase Validation: Ensure the block's coinbase transaction matches the miner's Canxium address.

Error Handling

The following errors are defined and handled during verification:

  • ErrInvalidDifficulty: Non-positive difficulty in the transaction.
  • ErrInvalidMiningTimeLine: Cross-Chain mining not yet supported for the parent chain.
  • ErrInvalidMiningTxValue: Incorrect reward value in the transaction.
  • ErrInvalidMiningReceiver: Invalid receiver address in the transaction.
  • ErrInvalidCrossChainPoW: Invalid proof of work.
  • ErrInvalidCrossChainCoinbase: Invalid coinbase transaction in the block.

Golang Implementation

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